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Redemption of the Prosecutor Film Screening

The Cal-Pac Annual Conference’s Justice and Compassion Essential Ministry Team has created a new TaskForce that aims to help end mass incarceration.

The TaskForce was formed out of a study group that read The New Jim Crow Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. In the book Alexander argues that America has filled its prisons with the poor and marginalized of society.

Mass incarceration discriminates against African Americans and other people of color. Did you know that there are more Black men in prison today then there were in enslaved in 1850?  There is a growing chorus against mass incarceration all over the country.

A broad based coalition of committed people of faith fighting to end mass incarceration is being built.

Join us for our first event please come and bring others who are interested in learning more.

Saturday September 14th 5:00pm at Faith United Methodist Church.