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GC2020 Blog: “Be Still”

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As we enter into this season of Lent, we are reminded of the need to “be still and know that I am God.”

It is a life-long call to order our lives in faithful stewardship, and a reminder of who we are, and whose we are.

That call is all the more poignant in this pre-General Conference season. This is true not simply because it is the theme of General Conference 2020, but more importantly, it is because God is calling us into something much bigger than ourselves and our circumstances.

Much like the Psalm 46 setting, symbolic acts of destruction, liken to earthquakes, tsunamis, even wars, rage among us, and yet, through the violent noise, we hear the clear call to “be still and know that I am God.” It is a call to put down our armors, to surrender, and to affirm God’s providence; God is yet in control.

Lest we forget, it is God’s church, God’s world, and we have been gifted with our time and the challenges and opportunities of such a time as this. Our gift to this world lies in how we live, work, care, love, in the coming weeks and beyond, regardless of what happens in Minneapolis.

Let us pray together, as an annual conference for integrity, diligence, humility, wisdom and other God-given tools that should guide our work and sustain us during these times.

We solicit your prayers, as together, we work toward God’s promised end.

Monalisa Tuitahi
Lay, First Elected