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Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories (GCSRW)

In celebration of Women’s History Month 2023, The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW) will be publishing eight blog articles, written by the Rev. Emily Nelms Chastain, in order to highlight the newly elected women bishops by The United Methodist Church. This blog series will follow the national theme of “Celebrating Women who tell our Stories.” 

Additionally, we encourage you to document your own celebrations of women in leadership and that you share these stories with your Annual Conference COSROWs through social media using the #GCSRW

Finally, we celebrate the author, the Rev. Emily Nelms Chastain, for her time and dedication to tell the stories of these women. 

New Women Bishops of the UMC:

  • Bishop Williamston
  • Bishop Escobedo-Frank
  • Bishop Bigham-Tsai
  • Bishop Dease
  • Bishop Merrill
  • Bishop Shelton
  • Bishop Plambeck
  • Bishop Estrella