By Rev. Karin Ellis
Holy One, Creator of us all, we come to you with everything that is in our hearts and everything we are carrying in our bodies.
We pray for the beloved communities of Altadena and Pacific Palisades that have lost so much- homes, churches, stores, playgrounds, schools, parks, libraries, gathering places, restaurants, barbershops, and hair salons- all of the places where we gather as community. Help us weep together, share stories, and hold one another close just as you hold us close during this tender time.
We pray for the family members and friends who have lost loved ones. May your comforting presence be with them, and may we offer support and care as best we can.
We pray for those who are suffering from illness. We know you are the great Healer and so we ask that you bring healing to body, mind, and soul. And may we participate in your Healing Spirit as we care for one another.
We pray for those who have no home and for those who are still waiting to return home. In this uncertain time, we ask that they will be guided by those who have expertise in helping them find a place to live.
We pray that we might “feel all the feels.” Help us to know it is ok to be exhausted, angry, frustrated, uncertain, scared, and all the other feelings and thoughts that go through our mind and our body. And at the end of the day, help us turn these thoughts and feelings over to you so we can rest well.
Holy One, in the midst of it all, we also give you thanks and praise.
We are grateful for the gift of this day and the ability to open our eyes once again.
We are thankful for the opportunity to gather as your people, part of the body of Christ, to nourish and uphold one another as we do your good work.
We are grateful for all the first responders and public leaders and officials who have helped us and guided us during these chaotic times.
Most of all, we are thankful for your abiding love, O God, a love that will never end no matter what. Thank you for holding us close, for caring for us, for never leaving us.
And when it is time, Gracious God, help us come together as your people to rebuild our cities, to once again build up the foundations of our lives so that our communities will flourish.
We ask all of this in your name, and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, the One who teaches us how to live lovingly with each other, how to serve faithfully, and how to bring forth hope and new life.