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the current (10/4/18)

By Rev. George Martzen, Rev. Deborah Oh, Marcia Galland and Bob Gin, Leaders of the Greater San Gabriel Valley Mission Area

The One who believes in me will also do the works that I do, in fact, will do greater works than these”
John 14:17

Jesus invited us to continue his work on earth. But we’re not asked just to do big things, because even small things with God’s greater love will make a difference.  Join the Greater San Gabriel Valley Mission Area for the “Thirst No More – How to-Workshops” on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Sage Granada Park UMC from 8:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m and learn how to do these small things well!

What We Know: This is the time of year when congregations are looking at next year’s vision and the leaders who will provide the necessary knowledge and motivation. Christian leadership is developed through training, inspiration and encouraging conversations. That’s what we’ll get at the How-To Workshop. As members are approached to fill new and old roles, it is important that they have the tools to take on this leadership.

What We Wish: We wish that every church will send their leaders and workers to be trained. There will be 13 workshops and presenters on a variety of administrative and ministry topics. The Keynote message will be given by Rev. Dr. Jack Jackson, E. Stanley Jones Associate Professor of Evangelism, Mission and Global Methodism.

What We Need: All church leaders and workers need to sign up today for the How-To Workshop. This is for those currently serving in leadership capacities and for those who are taking on new responsibilities for the benefit of the church’s Mission and Vision.  There are too many workshops to name here – they are all at the event page.  It will surely be a fulfilling learning experience, for sure.

The time is now to step into God’s current of Transforming Christian Leaders!