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the current (9/6/18)

By Diane Gin and Annie Solomon, East District Co-Lay Leaders

For a while now, Annie Solomon and I have been wondering how we could spark something within our Lay Leaders to work collaboratively in our mission areas and share what we have learned with each other. So, we came up with the Meet ’n Greet gathering at Upland First UMC on September 29, 2018 at 10AM to Noon. It will be at time of learning, sharing, and building.

What We Know: The laity drives the Church. Without the laity, there is no Church. We’re the movers and shakers that make Church come alive. We look outside of the box to make Jesus real in people’s life. The mission field is vast and wide. We work hand-in-hand with our clergy providing ministries that are relevant to people. We are commissioned to share the gospel; the Good News…that everyone will know God.

What We Wish: We wish to work jointly with our clergy and mission areas to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation. We wish to provide opportunities and avenues where laity can grow in knowledge and leadership. We wish to feel empowered to develop ministries that will incorporate the Transformative principles of developing: Christian leaders, vital congregations, transforming lives and the world.

What We Need: We need lay leaders and interested laity that want to get to know each other; to be willing to network; to be willing to confirm and reconfirm our roles and responsibilities; as well as share our knowledge. We need to foster opportunities to making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. We need the ‘Easter people” to trust the Holy Spirit’s presence; and be an active witness wherever we go.

The time is now to step into God’s current of Transforming Christian Lay Leaders.