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A Prayer for LGBTQIA+ People During General Conference Season 

Prayed by your Cal-Pac LGBTQIA+ Strategy Group and Rev. Dr. Denyse Barnes, Director of Justice & Compassion EMT 

Gracious and loving Creator, 

We marvel always at the amazing work of your creation.  There are so many wonders to behold everywhere we look. From the tiniest grain of sand to our mountainous peaks, your work of creation shines through in love and joy. 

We look with love upon all of the people who make up your created world, those called to walk with you, caring, loving, and tending each other and the whole of creation.  May we always look through this lens of love to each person we encounter and see your love reflected back to us.  For too long we’ve seen the pain of hurt, rejection, and harm reflected from the eyes of the queer community, made to feel less than, unworthy, and excluded from being able to fully participate in the church you have called them to. 

We pray during this season for unity, for kind loving words filled with your grace, and for everyone to be guided by your wisdom as they interact with each other. 

We pray for a circle of love to encompass our queer delegates, clergy, church members, and all those queer family members who are watching and listening throughout this time. We pray for safekeeping from harm and for your love to sustain, support, encourage, and hold us close.  We ask that this circle comes with the protection of the holy trinity, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, bound in their love and grace. 
