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Bishop Carcaño Arrested in Civil Disobedience

website maker newsBishop Minerva G. Carcaño, Los Angeles Area Resident Bishop, was arrested in front of the White House on President’s Day 2014 with other faith leaders, immigrants and labor leaders in a pray-in to call on the Obama Administration to stop deportations that devastate immigrant families.

Deportations under the Obama Administration will reach 2 million by April 2014.  In response, Bishop Carcaño and other leaders have cited scripture as the reason for advocating for comprehensive immigration reform such as, “Do what is just and right….Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner.” (Jeremiah 22:3)

[tw-column width=”two-third”]In a previously made statement, Bishop Carcaño said, “We are willing to be arrested in front of the White House to tell the president that compassion on immigration starts with the stroke of his pen.”  Others participating in the pray-in today from the California-Pacific Conference were Rev. David Farley and Rev. Jeanne Roe Smith.[/tw-column]

[tw-column width=”one-third” position=”last”][tw-divider]Bishop Carcaño on Social Media[/tw-divider]

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The pray-in was led by leaders in several partnerships, one of which was with the National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON), a national network of 36 sites that began in Northridge, CA in 2001.  NDLON fosters safer more humane environments for day laborer, both men and women, to earn a living, contribute to society, and integrate into the community.

ndlonIn January 2014, Bishop Carcaño shared encouraging words at the celebration of the Pasadena Community Job Center’s 14th Anniversary, a local site of NDLON.  The Center connects businesses and skilled workers from the community and provides a place for those who are not employed to spend their time productively until employment is found.  Also present at the event was Rev. Allison Mark, Associate Pastor of Pasadena First UMC who has been arrested in the past in advocating for comprehensive immigration reform, and Rev. David Farley, Chair of the Cal-Pac Immigration Task Force.

Bishop Carcaño, in Spanish, said, “We United Methodists believe that all persons should have the opportunity to be employed, to feed their families, and be able to provide housing for their loved ones.  On this day I am pleased to connect with this local NDLON project, and pledge the support of United Methodists to your important work.”

The Center’s deep connections with the Pasadena community were readily apparent.  Joining Bishop Carcaño in blessing and supporting the Center were Rev. Greg Waybright, Senior Pastor of Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena, a staff person on behalf of Pasadena City Councilman Victor M. Gordo, Carlos Garcia from Puente Organizing in Arizona, and Pasadena Police Commander John E. Perez.

Bishop Carcaño has urged all United Methodists of the California-Pacific Conference to consider supporting their local NDLON site, including:

Bishop Carcaño is expected to be released later today.  Coverage of the pray-in and other activities calling for comprehensive immigration reform will continue here on Companion Magazine as well as UMNS as details become available.

*Update: Bishop Carcaño was released later in the day along with the rest of the pray-in group.
