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GC2019 Third Devotional: “Each of you is a part”

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

– 1 Corinthians 12:27

Christ and the church formed one body as the Scripture explains us. Christians become members of this body by Baptism, the upward rite is a sign of the relationship with the body and becoming part of it. And by communion with Christ at the Lord’s Supper, we receive and share grace to strengthen the body. Each member has its form, place, and function that make the whole body. So Christ’s body members have different powers, different places, different functions that make the body works. Therefore, the writer of the Scripture is telling us that each one of us, who received the grace of God by baptism and/or Holy Communion are participants of the body.

The United Methodist Church is part of the body of Christ. In a few days, this part of the body of Christ will be facing the debate to make decisions about how we Methodist will interpret human sexuality in our polity and policy. Trusting in the process, each conference elected delegates to represent their membership. Therefore, it’s crucial to support and remember them in prayer because they will be use by God to determine the future of the church.

It is a big challenge to all the delegates to find the answer of what plan is more suitable for the work of the church in the coming years facing the imminent need of our global society.

So, I encourage you to support the work of all the delegates in prayer asking God “Thy Will Be Done”. They will make history in whatever decision they make in the Special Session of General Conference 2019.

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Dear Lord and Savior, as the owner of the body, guide, inspire and bless all the delegates and participants of the Special Session of General Conference 2019, to do your will. Amen.

Rev. Joel Hortiales
Director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries and Border Concerns (California-Pacific Conference