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JCEMT 4th Quarterly Newsletter 2023 (Justice & Compassion)

Greetings, Cal-Pac Annual Conference:

It has been a busy season for all of the Strategy Groups within the Justice & Compassion Essential Ministry Team (JCEMT)! There is so much going on that it is hard to focus on any one thing. Here are some of the things we have been working on in the last few months:

  1. Immigration asylum shelters, opposition to new asylum laws, and backpack builds for children and teens
  2. Journey to Love at Crossroads UMC
  3. RMN Convocation
  4. Gun violence
  5. Acts of Repentance Task Force in Hawai`i
  6. New Mental Health Strategy Group
  7. Development of toolkit resources for our local churches – watch this space as this new work unfolds!
  8. Prayer vigil for Peace in Israel and Palestine
  9. Eco-Justice work coordination
  10. Many different Pride events
  11. Lahaina relief and support

As this is our last newsletter of 2023 I want to say a huge thank you to all of those involved in this work of Justice and Compassion across our vast and diverse conference! I am excited to see what will happen in 2024 and how we will extend our reach to new areas while developing the support we are already offering to so many of the marginalized and oppressed in our communities.


Rev. Dr. Denyse Barnes
Director of Justice & Compassion EMT