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Los Altos Youth Group Wins!

website maker The youth group of Los Altos United Methodist Church in Long Beach, CA, won the prize for raising the most funds for Imagine No Malaria by this year’s annual Youth Alive and Spirit Quest retreat weekend.

The group hosted fundraisers since the competition was announced, including a Valentine’s Day bake sale and a booth at the church’s Alternative Christmas Market. They raised more than $2,000 for Imagine No Malaria.

Last year, the Los Altos Youth Group began raising funds for Imagine No Malaria during a B1 Fast – a 36 hour fast and lock-in. They also sold “mosquito bouquets” on Mother’s Day, and raised funds during their 2012 Alternative Christmas Market. They have been leaders in Imagine No Malaria fundraising longer than any church in the California-Pacific Conference!

When they were announced as winners during a worship gathering at Youth Alive and Spirit Quest, Schuyler, a high school senior asked to say a few words. She said that the whole group had discussed what they would do if they won and prayed on it together. They decided that they would auction off the big screen TV, XBox 360 and two games that they won and give the funds to Imagine No Malaria. lahabra

La Habra UMC’s youth group came in second place. They raised $552 and received Imagine No Malaria T-shirts for their hard work!

The Los Altos youth group is already planning their next fundraising event for Imagine No Malaria. This summer, they will hold another B1 Fast and accept pledges from friends, neighbors and families for Imagine No Malaria while doing service in their community. La Habra’s youth group will be playing in a dodgeball tournament on Sarturday, March 15 at Garden Grove UMC. Proceeds from ticket sales will go to Imagine No Malaria.