All rights reserved. California-Pacific Conference, 2024.
DisAbility Ministries 2021 Grant Application
Each year the California-Pacific Conference DisAbility Ministries Task Force offers grants to congregations and other United Methodist entities that want to improve the accessibility of their facilities and/or the inclusiveness of their programs. These grants are not intended to cover the entire cost of all
Juneteenth: Staying the Course of Freedom and Flourishing for All (GCORR)
Today, Juneteenth is a recognized holiday in most U.S. states, and many African Americans (and allies) commemorate Juneteenth through family gatherings, community cookouts and picnics, cultural and educational events, worship and prayer, and collective action. The symbolic meaning of the delayed emancipation for Black Americans
Justice & Compassion Grant 2021
The Justice and Compassion Grant is for the purpose of empowering, connecting, and resourcing laity, clergy, congregations and communities as they meaningfully engage in ministries of justice and compassion both locally and globally. The application for 2021 Justice & Compassion Grants are now available. The Justice
Call for Volunteers for Woolsey Fire Cleanup 2021 (Disaster Response)
Global Mission US-2 Track Fellow Application Deadline
Interested in becoming a Global Mission Fellow? Apply now to become a US-2 Track Fellow! Fellows who serve in the US-2 Track have witnessed the deep-rooted systems of injustice in their own country and desire to advocate for change. Fellows form meaningful relationships with the
2021 Hunger Grant Application (Justice & Compassion)
Apply now for the 2021 Cal-Pac Hunger Grant. Hunger Grants are administered by the Hunger, Homelessness, Affordable Housing Task Force, which is part of the Justice & Compassion EMT. The maximum grant for 2021 is $500. Since the 1970’s, the Cal-Pac Hunger Grant has been resourcing churches
Webinar #3: Raise Up Your Voice Against Racism (GBCS & GBGM)
Angered and deeply troubled by the killings of unarmed black individuals, the Asian American Language Ministry Plan, the New Federation of Asian American United Methodists and the General Board of Church and Society launched a six part webinar series this past summer called “Raise Up
30 Cal-Pac Leaders Participate in WJ Justice Movement Retreat
Approximately 30 United Methodists from across the Cal-Pac Conference, joining 60 from other conferences, were encouraged to be “Stepping Out in Faith” for justice in the world at the first of many retreats of the Western Methodist Justice Movement. The retreat was sponsored, in part,
Prayer for the Children
The following prayer was delivered by Rev. David Farley, Cal-Pac Director of Justice and Compassion Ministries, The United Methodist Church at a gathering of advocates for unaccompanied migrant children at Port Hueneme, Ventura, CA on Tuesday, July 8, 2014. O God of all Creation and